Expectations, Terms, and Rules…
  1. Upon joining the virtual workspace, you will set an appropriate display name, and announce your goals for that session. Please use the name you go by.
  2. “Wacky Eagle Technologies” strives to be as open, transparent, and ethical as possible. This includes supporting the Boy Scouting, ADHD, and Webpreneur communities by providing tools and services with reasonable & flexible pricing, and doing our best to care for the environment.
  3. Billing will be under our parent company “Wacky Eagle Technologies” and handled via the ko-fi widget. It is an easy and safe way to donate via PayPal or atm/credit card. You can also choose to pay manually or monthly.
  4. Many of our sites have an email newsletter, if you choose to signup for any of our newsletters we will send it out to you at its schedule, usually weekly or monthly. You have the option to modify your subscription, or unsubscribe at any time. We will not give away or sell your personal information.
  5. Many of our sites contain ads and in such cases that often is our primary source of income. We ask that you do not use an ad blocker. In return we will do our best to keep ads to a minimum. We may also promote affiliate offers, where we receive a small commission on any sales using our link or code. We will also do our best to ensure you tell what are ads and affiliate offers.
  6. Use of our sites and services is at your own risk. Please use your best judgment and let us know if anything or anyone makes you feel uncomfortable or harasses you in any way.
  7. We ask that you be: helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, respectful, understanding and brave enough to step outside your comfort zone sometimes.
  8. We may take screenshots, recordings or other means of capturing Wacky Task Buddy sessions to use on our website or for other forms of promotion.
  9. You are solely responsible for your behavior & conduct, when using any Wacky Eagle Technologies service or site. As such we are NOT responsible for the behavior or conduct of any user, and we are not liable for any damage or harm that may result from any user’s behavior or conduct toward you. Always use your best judgment, don't be afraid to say no, and when in doubt let us know.
  10. We have a ZERO tolerance policy for trolling, self-promotion, judgment, or any other abusive, hateful, racist, sexist, or otherwise unacceptable behavior. We reserve the right to terminate/block your membership and/or access to our sites and services at our sole discretion.
  11. We do not allow any kind of spamming, promotions (including but not limited to: multilevel marketing, products, services or jobs), politics, or illegal activities. This includes any kind of hacking, viruses, malware, warez, sharing infected or malicious files or code, etc.
  12. No soliciting or seeking anyone’s personal information. Such as pressuring someone for their info when they clearly do not want to share it. Earn the right & share such information mutually and responsibly.
  13. No harming others; for example defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, intimidate, or otherwise violate their rights. We also do not allow profane defamatory, obscene, indecent, unlawful, hateful, threatening, pornographic, or violence to be published, posted, uploaded or distributed by any of our sites or services.
  14. No Interfering with or disrupting the integrity or performance of any Wacky Eagle Technology site, database, network, team member, or any other technology or platform we might use. This includes using our sites or technology in any way that degrades its reliability, speed, operation, or underlying hardware or software. Or restricts or inhibits any other user from using and enjoying the Site.
  15. We have the right to investigate occurrences that may involve such violations and may involve, provide information to, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who are involved in such violations.
  16. You are solely responsible and liable for any activity, behavior, use, and/or conduct that breaches any terms or conditions of these Terms of Service. You agree we have no responsibility to you or any third party for any breach of your obligations under these Terms of Service or for the consequences including any loss or damages of any such breach.
  17. Persons found in violation of any of these rules or any aspect of these terms, as decided by us in our sole discretion, may have their membership banned, any payments forfeited, and access to our services or sites blocked. Violations of our business, technology, system, network, security or of these terms may result in civil or criminal liability.